My book, "Assimilation," and Papers

Sirman A. Celâyir, 1986 to 1997                                                                  Page as of Sep. 28, 1998

I finished my book, Assimilation, on July 4, 1998, on which day it was bound and delivered. These 675 pages, including 32 pages of historical photos, in 3 volumes, were a work of love and, of course, took considerable time and effort. "Assimilation," which is Vol.1 only, is our assimilation to the United States. The remaining volumes span 3 continents, from about the 1880s. This is our family history and diary. Six months after I finished the book and sent copies to relatives and family friends, my father passed away (on 1/5/98). The book was reviewed by a major publisher that urged me to rewrite it as a fiction, taking out the first-person narrative. I might do this perhaps in the future. I should add that the topics covered under For a Better America on the main menu are borrowed from my book.

Included here are only the front matter and 6 parts of Chapter 1 of Vol.1. If you read and like it and want the entire volume, or all 3 volumes, you can download it/them from the last link below.

On the Right: The Front outside cover of the book
Show the Rear outside cover
Map of Turkey

Technical   -  how this book was produced
Foreword   -  how this book was conceived, began
Index         -  chapter headings (since the entire book is not included)
Preface      -  "awareness" of assimilation
Linguistics  -  brief overview of the Turkish language
Chronology -  outline of our (and Ottoman) history (1880s-1958) before we came to USA

Vol.1/Ch.1/Part.1 - Kismet
Vol.1/Ch.1/Part.2 - Religion in America
Vol.1/Ch.1/Part.3 - Freedom versus Structure
Vol.1/Ch.1/Part.4 - Love, Marriage, Family
Vol.1/Ch.1/Part.5 - Individualistic Immigrants
Vol.1/Ch.1/Part.6 - Golden Years

Parts from Vol.3
Love and Impurities

My Resume
My Books, et al. in AsterPro
Old Library (and 1st Web Site, 1996) at CompuServe

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