
Sirman Celâyir, Miami Beach, July 4, 1997


Page as of Aug. 9, 1998

I wrote the original text of these three volumes from Apr. 12, 1994 to Jan. 20, 1996, while I was busy with several other projects, including travel and a major move from Washington, DC to Miami Beach, FL on Feb. 28, 1995. I edited the original text once and finished the works on Feb. 28, 1997, again between travel and other projects. Of course, as editing goes, I added new material as I reviewed the manuscript. So it seemed I had always something new to massage. I thought I would edit the book a third and final time in Apr. 1997, before taking the manuscript to a book printer to produce a hardcover of this work. Then I decided against the final editing. Frankly, I am tired of writing and have yet other projects to finish before I am free to play. And there is a chance that by editing the text again I might take away some of the bite and spontaneity of my thoughts.

On May 5, 1997, I registered the entire manuscript with the Writers' Guild of America in New York. Volume 1 is presently being reviewed by several publishers, the first half of Volume 3 by a major magazine. (I did not submit Volume 2, our history in Turkey, for publication.) Since Volume 1 is somewhat critical of the American culture and parts of it evolutionary (really!), it is likely that the publishers will decide against the project. Be as it may, I had intended all along to compile the three volumes into a book myself and mail copies to family and friends on 3 continents. AsterPro, my astrology software, is available on the WWW. (Search for asterpro.) You can reach me at


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