Page as of Aug. 10, 1998
           C h r o n o l o g y

Date       Family/Turkey                              World/Other

1290-1326  Osman I, the first sultan forms            Edward I rules in
           the Ottoman Empire.                        England: 1272-1307.

1451-1481  Fatih Sultan Mehmed II
           conquers Constantinople: End of
           Eastern Roman Empire: 5/29/1453
1520-1566  Suleiman I, the Magnificent.                Elizabeth I (1558-1603)
           Ottomans at their peak.                     moderates Church of England

1571       Ottoman naval defeat at Lepanto
           by the Holy League heralds the
           decline of the Ottoman power 
1683:      Ottomans fail to take Vienna. The empire reaches from Persian Gulf to
           western Algeria, to Austria. 
1789-1807  Sultan Selim III attempts                   America is 13 - 31 years old
           reforms: "nizam-i jedid"
           (Arabic for "new order")
1830       After 370 years, Greece gains its independence from the Ottomans,
           guaranteed by England, France, and Russia. 
1839-1876  "Tanzimat" reforms under sultans           1854-56: Crimean War.
           Abd al-Mejid (1839-61) and Abd             Russian claim to protect
           al-Aziz (1861-76): centraliza-             Christians in Turkey's 
           tion of finance, administration,           Balkan lands is checked
           and the army.                              by Britain and France.
           Mother's great uncle on her mother's side, Hasan (Sh)evket,
           took part in the Crimean War, got a medal.
1870-1871  Franco-Prussian War leaves                 1877-78: Russo-Turkish
           Germany the most powerful                  War liberates Bulgaria,
           nation on the Continent.                   Romania, and Serbia from
                                                      the Ottoman Empire.      
NOTE: the years after 1877 mark the beginning of the end of the Ottoman
      Empire, now known as the "Sick Man of Europe." Together with
      incompetence at home, the empire was losing territories: the British
      took Egypt,France Algeria, Italy in Libya. Austria wanted the Balkans,
      Russia Turkish homeland. So whatever might have sparked WWI, the war was
      about how to dispose of the Sick Man's lands without upsetting the European
      balance of power. This is why various alliances formed beginning in 1879,
      dividing Europe into two camps.
3/12/1881  Turkey's founder Mustafa Kemal              1879: Germany's Otto von
           (Atatürk or "Father of Turks.")             Bismarck forms defensive
           born.                                       accord with Austria-
           Mother's father born in Bulgaria.           Hungary against Russia.
1886       Grandmother (Mother's mother) Safiye born in Arhavi
May 1892   Father's parents, Mehmet Zeki              1894: Franco-Russian
           Çola(G)i(sh)i and Femsi Çele(sh)i,         alliance forms.
           marry in Arhavi.                   
1906       Mother's parents, Dr. Ha(sh)im             1904: Anglo-French Entente
           Yanbolu (25) from Latakia Syria            forms. Russo-japanese war.
           and Safiye Çolaşi(sh)i (20) from           Threat of unrest, revolution
           Arhavi marry in Istanbul.                  in Tsarist Russia.
1906-1911  Grandfather Dr. Ha(sh)im, military         1907: Triple Entente
           doctor, is assigned to the                 forms between France,
           Yemen front: 4 years, 8 months.            Britain, and Russia.
1909-1913  Young Turks era. Sultan Abdul              World War I is imminent
           Hamid is dethroned, rapid                  in Europe, Arab uprising
           modernization begins.                      against the Ottomans.
7/11/1913  Father, Cavit, born in Arhavi,             1913: Young Turk leader Enver
           the youngest of 5 children.                Pa(sh)a becomes dictator and
           His father is away in the army.            sides with Germany and
                                                      Austria-Hungary on 8/2/1914.
1914       World War I begins.

NOTE: one wonders why in 1909 the Young Turks did not withdraw all Turkish forces from
distant lands, which Turkey did not need, could not hold, and use them to reinforce
the homeland, while trying to remain neutral. There were enough "free" lands for
everyone to fight over for years to come. With some foresight and luck, Turkey could
have been in a strong position in 1918. . .

1913-1916  Grandfather Dr. Ha(sh)im, a colonel,
           is stationed in Dersim, Iraq,
           facing Arab revolt on the Syrian
           and Iraqi fronts under Lawrence
           of Arabia.
           In 1923, he received the Istiklal (Independence) medal, the highest in Turkey.
1914-1915  Gallipoli. Dr. Bahri, Father's oldest brother (by 19 years) and a
           medical doctor, is on the front line when the British and Anzac forces
           attack. Their defeat leads to the resignation of the First Lord of the
           Admiralty Winston Churchill in 1915. In 1923, Uncle Bahri received the
           Istiklal medal.
3/1/1918   Mother, Zekiye, an only                    1917: Father. Arhavi
           child, is born in Aleppo,                  evacuated. Escape to
           Syria at 4:30 a.m., delivered              Ordu. At age 5 (1918), he
           by her father.                             meets his father for the
           Turkish forces withdraw from               first time. Return to
           Syria and Iraq soon after that.            Batumi(USSR), Arhavi.
1919       Nationalist movement headed by             1918-22: Mehmet VI, the LAST
           Mustafa Kemal is formed to                 Sultan: the sultanate ends after
           resist Allied occupation.                  632 years.
1920-1921  Syria becomes French territory until 1944; Iraq is independent in 1921.
1918-1923  Mother, to age 5. Move from                Father attends grade school
           Aleppo to Adana, then to Fatih             in Arhavi. At age10, he meets his
           (Istanbul).                                brother Bahri the first time.
8/30/1923  Liberation War ends, Allied                Treaty of Lausanne (1923)
           forces defeated. This day is               sets Turkish boundaries.
           celebrated as "Zafer Bayramş"
           (Victory Day) in Turkey.
1923-1924  Father continues grade school in
           Kars (eastern Anatolia), staying
           with Brother Bahri.

10/29/1923 Turkey is a republic, with                 Greece becomes a republic.
           Mustafa Kemal, now Atatürk, as
           its first President. This day is
           celebrated as "Cumhuriyet
           Bayram(I)" (Republic Day).
1924-1925: Father's (11) mother and sister
           Leman die, volatile years begin.

1925-1937  Mother, Giresun Years on the               1925-7: family adopts 3 orphan
           Black Sea. Life friends                    refugees: Vacit and girls Hat(ch)e
           Harbiye and Asuman.                        and Nazire: "family" to us.
1926-1928: Father (13) is with sister Ay(sh)e,
           in school in Istanbul.
           1927: his father dies.
           1928-29: Father (15) is in
           school in Istanbul, Arhavi, then

1926-1938  Mother (8) has adenitis.                   1928: Father (15) starts
           Recuperates in the mountain                violin lessons for 3
           resort Kulakkaya in summers.               months, continues on his own.
1930       Father (17) and Mother (12), meet          5/2/1931, Cavit writes his first
           in Giresun for the first time in           card to Zekiye's mother. Thoughts
           the summer of 1930.                        of future courtship begin.
1930-1934  Mother (12) attends American               1930-32:Father is with brother
           girls' school in Merzifon: top             Bahri in Sivas, attending 11th
           student. Life friends Fevziye,             grade. He escapes to Erzurum to
           Melahat, Mahmure, BelkIs.                  attend the lyceum.
1934       Small World: in 1980s, Mother's            1934: Father (21)finishes lyceum.
           friend Melƒhat was invalid.                His teacher Arif ÖGet obtains for
           Her husband William Cruse shot             him a 6-year scholarship for the
           and killed 6 people in Palm                medical school in Istanbul for 4 
           City, FL. Melâhat left for                 years of service upon graduation.
           Turkey and died in Istanbul.
1934       Turkey adopts last names: Mother
           (16) becomes Zekiye Sirman,
           Father (21) Cavit Celayir.

1935-1938  Mother (17) attends Usküdar Amer-          10/29/35. Father (22)
           ican Lyceum in Istanbul: top               Mother's (17) first date:
           student. Life friends Zwart and            their engagement ring has
           Bercuhi, two Armenian girls.               this date.
11/10/1938 Kemal Ataturk dies.                        1937-40: Mother's father
           Gen. Ismet In”nü is president,             moves to Trabzon, Afyon,
           in 1939, 1943, and 1946.                   then Edirne.
June 1940  Father graduates from Medical              9/1/39: WWII begins.
             School, Mother tests him for his         Turkey enters into mutual
             final examinations.                      assistance pact with
           Dec. 40: Father is stationed in            Britain and France, just
             Gallipoli for 2 years of                 in case Germany invades,
             military service.                        but remains neutral in the war.
NOTE: while a belligerent Hitler in their proximity may have worried the Turks,
Hitler probably never considered invading Turkey. The Turks had been former allies,
and they had fought ferociously against the occupying forces after WWI. Hitler was
occupied on so many fronts that there was no reason for him to take on also the
Turks, for a neutral Turkey served very well to his strategic interests. When
following his unexpected quick victory over France Hitler turned east to the Balkans,
he was not pursuing conquests for the sake of conquests. The Balkans was Hitler's
contingency food and fuel depot. And control of this area would also help Germany
with stand the effects of the British blockade of its shipping.

Indeed, Turkey's neutrality also guaranteed its safety, because an impartial Turkey
in that location served Hitler better than anything he could have achieved forcefully.
He knew that unlike Greece Turkey would never allow the British to use Turkey as a base,
in view of Turkish memories from WWI and British instigation of Arabs against Turkey.
And surely the Turks did not nurture sentimental ties to Greece, nor to Syria and Iraq.
A neutral Turkey was a very effective buffer zone for Germany's eastern flank.
Therefore, Hitler had every reason to honor Turkey's neutrality. And Turkey was doing
the prudent thing by being neutral.

10/19/1941 Father comes from Gallipoli to             June 1940, Hitler moves into
             Vezirkoprü to marry Mother.              Romania. 1941: Bulgaria and
             10/22/41: he returns to                  Yugoslavia in Axis orbit; food 
             Gallipoli, Mother's father to            and fuel supplies are safe for
             Edirne, Mother to Istanbul.              Germany. Apr. 41, Hitler forces
           Nov.1941: "Fisherman's House."             the British out of Greece; 
             Parents have honeymoon in                Germany and Britain face off
             Gallipoli.                               in the Mid-East.
7/15/1942  I was born in Istanbul at 6 p.m.
                   4/10/43: Mother's mother
                   Safiye dies, her father
                   is with another woman.
                   Rootless era begins.
Apr. 1943  Father finishes military service,          4/22/43: Unye on the
           begins 4 years of national ser-            Black Sea. Mother buries
           vice for his scholarship.                  her mother, joins Father.
Jul. 1943  Father is assigned to Erzurum: on          Jan 44: Erzurum: Father has
           ship to Trabzon, on land to                typhus, in coma for 27 days;
           Erzurum in Aug. 1943.                      Mother desperate.
Mar. 1944  Father on medical leave: visiting          6/4/1944, Arhavi:
           in Samsun, Fatsa, Arhavi. He               sister Femsi was born at
           returns to Erzurum, Mother                 7 a.m. A midwife, Raife,
           stays in Arhavi.                           delivers her.
7/26/1944  Father is assigned to Bafra, a
           town near the Black Sea. I have
           malaria; Mother has infection.

Jan. 1946  Father called to reserve duty in
           Samsun. We join him a few months
           later, in an "orchard" home,
           staying 6 months.

Oct. 1946  Return to Bafra.
           3/2/1947: sister Gülhis (Gigi in
           USA) born 9 a.m., while Femsi and
           I watch the roof waiting for the
4/22/1947  Father begins his residency at            We move in with Father's brother
           the Numune Hospital in Ankara,            Sabri and 4 cousins in Usküdar,
           to May 1949.                              Istanbul: 1st friend (cousin) Ilhami.
Jul. 1947  We join Father in Ankara, in the          Sep. 47: Typhoid. Mother is ill;
           country home of a movie actor.            we are scattered.
           Visiting cousins in the military
           bring us lice.
Jun. 1948  In Istanbul, with Mother's                Father is in Ankara;
           father. The first time we see             Mother is unhappy at her
           him, his second wife, and                 father's home.
           Mother's stepsister in 6 years.           I begin 1st grade.
Oct. 1948  In Ankara. I restart 1st grade.
           Cousin Necla (18) moves in with
           us until her marriage in 1953.

May 1949   Father finishes his residency; we move to Samsun on 5/29/49.

Sep.1949   I start second grade at Suba(sh)i Grade School, sisters follow in
           1950 and 1953. My teacher, Ilhan han(I)m, also graduates Gülhis.
           (We met her again in Istanbul in 1986.)
Sep.1953   I start Sankt George Austrian              1950: Celal Bayar is
           boarding school in Istanbul.               president, Adnan Menderes 
           We are well-to-do and upper class now.     the prime minister.
12/31/1955 New Year's party in Samsun: met            1952: Turkey becomes full
           Florence E. Sutphin, the Ameri-            member of NATO and joins
           can exchange teacher, who helped           America in Korean War.
           us to migrate to the USA in 1958